The purpose of "Scratch VHDL" is to make reprogrammable logic design into child's play. Sounds ambitious.
The process of generating a design from VHDL has been simplified and automated in a way this is customised to this application. We have installed toolbar buttons that run TCL functions from a script. As long as Vivado is started from the batch file run_vivado.cmd
, the correct TCL script will be read and the design prepared earlier will be loaded.
The letters ‘E’, ‘S’, ‘i’, ‘P’ and ‘A’ on each button refer to the steps detailed below.
Beyond the sub-components we have been simulating there is additional logic used for “house keeping” tasks.
‘ed with is corresponding switch (toggle button) as a simple way to amalgamate the two stimuli. This means that the toggle buttons need to be returned to their off position when using the push buttons.reset
file and holds the reset high (1
) until GSR
(Global Set/Reset) goes low after programming and then shifts a 0
through a short shift register soon after lowering reset
.The Scratch VHDL design simply replaces the contents of the led4_button4
component each time it is compiled. The rest of the design is trusted and hence not re-simulated each time.
This is managed by the TCL function elab_my_design
. It elaborates the design to generic gates and opens up the schematic of the sub-section of the design authored through Scratch VHDL.
From this schematic you may select a gate and press F7
to display the VHDL code that generated the gate.
This is managed by the TCL function synth_my_design
. It synthesises the design to the technology required for the selected development board (currently a Zybo Z7 board). Synthesis maps the generic gates to the chosen technology and then opens up the schematic of the sub-section of the design authored through Scratch VHDL.
From this schematic you may select a gate and press F7
to display the VHDL code that generated the gate.
Typically at this stage we will get estimates of timing paths between registers. The figures are based on a model only because without placing the primitives and routing nets between them we have not precision over net delays, only gate delays. Still, the static timing analysis still proves useful in recoding the VHDL for timing closure ahead of more time spend on the next step.
The product from synthesis is a ‘netlist’ of gates ready to be placed across the FPGA fabric and nets routed between the gates. This is managed by the TCL function impl_my_design
. When the implementation step completes, it will open up a the schematic of the sub-section of the design authored through Scratch VHDL.
When selecting the constituents of the led4_button4
component’s gates, the ‘Device’ tab in Vivado shows which parts of the FPGA’s “sea of gates” have been used. As you can see its a very small fraction of the entire FPGA because these designs are not taxing the device’s utilisation.
file of the implemented design is created, which is required to programme the FPGA, and sent over a USB cable to the development board for execution on target. This is managed by the TCL function prog_my_board
Used when selecting the RISC CPU for the led4_button4
VHDL entity. You can change the assembly code contents compiled into the ROM by choosing a .o
file compiled from a .asm
file by asm_compile.cmd
. This is managed by the TCL function set_asm_file
, and it changes a generic on the top level VHDL entity after verifying the requested file exists.